Как выбрать двери купе
Конструкция Самым важным элементом любого шкафа-купе является система раздвижных дверей. Именно она определяет цену и класс изделия. В систему раздвижных дверей входят сами двери с роликами, направляющие (треки) и внутреннее наполнение двери.
Материал профилей Материал для изготовления профилей бывает двух видов:
Решение для фасадов дверей купе зависит только от вашей фантазии и финансовых возможностей. Сказать, что они могут быть любыми – ничего не сказать.
Фасады дверей купе могут быть отделаны натуральным шпоном, дорогими породами дерева, стеклом различных характеристик и стоимости, зеркалами, кожей, ротангом и многими другими материалами.
Зеркало и стекло, используемые в оформлении шкафов купе, могут быть обычными либо тонированными, матовыми, с пескоструйным рисунком, с напылением. Для безопасного использования на зеркало с обратной стороны наклеивается защитная пленка, которая придает дополнительную прочность. В случае сильного удара по стеклу пленка не позволит осколкам зеркала рассыпаться.
Cases cabinets are independent furniture, which can be located anywhere, does not depend on the location and quality of the walls. Such cabinets have side walls, rear wall, floor and ceiling which are made of laminated chipboard. The name of such cabinets was, because they have a system of sliding doors, which move along the guides due to the roller system.
The built-in wardrobes of the compartment consist of sliding doors that are fixed to the floor, ceiling, have a system of shelves, drawers and brackets, allowing you to comfortably place the contents in the closet. Built-in cabinets coupe mounted in a certain place once and for all, and move them is already impossible or very difficult.
The most important element of any wardrobe is the sliding door system. It is she who determines the price and class of the product. The sliding door system includes doors with rollers, guides (tracks) and internal filling of the door.
The main element of the door compartment is the profile, especially the material from which it is made. From the quality of metal and from the design features depend not only on the performance characteristics of the sliding-door wardrobes, but also possible design solutions. The main task of the metal profiles of sliding doors is to give the door leaf the necessary rigidity.
Profile material
Material for the manufacture of profiles is of two types:
Of steel
From aluminum
The solution for the doors of the coupe depends only on your imagination and financial possibilities. To say that they can be any — do not say anything.
The facades of the doors of the coupe can be trimmed with natural veneer, expensive wood species, glass of various characteristics and value, mirrors, leather, rattan and many other materials.
Mirror and glass used in the design of the cabinets of the compartment can be ordinary or tinted, matte, with sandblasting pattern, with spraying. For safe use on the mirror from the back side, a protective film is attached, which gives additional strength. In the case of a strong impact on the glass, the film will not allow the splinters of the mirror to crumble.
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- Из стали
- Из алюминия

Фасады дверей купе могут быть отделаны натуральным шпоном, дорогими породами дерева, стеклом различных характеристик и стоимости, зеркалами, кожей, ротангом и многими другими материалами.
Зеркало и стекло, используемые в оформлении шкафов купе, могут быть обычными либо тонированными, матовыми, с пескоструйным рисунком, с напылением. Для безопасного использования на зеркало с обратной стороны наклеивается защитная пленка, которая придает дополнительную прочность. В случае сильного удара по стеклу пленка не позволит осколкам зеркала рассыпаться.
Cases cabinets are independent furniture, which can be located anywhere, does not depend on the location and quality of the walls. Such cabinets have side walls, rear wall, floor and ceiling which are made of laminated chipboard. The name of such cabinets was, because they have a system of sliding doors, which move along the guides due to the roller system.
The built-in wardrobes of the compartment consist of sliding doors that are fixed to the floor, ceiling, have a system of shelves, drawers and brackets, allowing you to comfortably place the contents in the closet. Built-in cabinets coupe mounted in a certain place once and for all, and move them is already impossible or very difficult.
The most important element of any wardrobe is the sliding door system. It is she who determines the price and class of the product. The sliding door system includes doors with rollers, guides (tracks) and internal filling of the door.
The main element of the door compartment is the profile, especially the material from which it is made. From the quality of metal and from the design features depend not only on the performance characteristics of the sliding-door wardrobes, but also possible design solutions. The main task of the metal profiles of sliding doors is to give the door leaf the necessary rigidity.
Profile material
Material for the manufacture of profiles is of two types:
Of steel
From aluminum
The solution for the doors of the coupe depends only on your imagination and financial possibilities. To say that they can be any — do not say anything.
The facades of the doors of the coupe can be trimmed with natural veneer, expensive wood species, glass of various characteristics and value, mirrors, leather, rattan and many other materials.
Mirror and glass used in the design of the cabinets of the compartment can be ordinary or tinted, matte, with sandblasting pattern, with spraying. For safe use on the mirror from the back side, a protective film is attached, which gives additional strength. In the case of a strong impact on the glass, the film will not allow the splinters of the mirror to crumble.