Клей Profit Супер тип С, 10 кг

подходит для плитки любого типа;
раствор широкого применения;
обширный диапазон рабочих температур.
Артикул: 13629166
Вес, кг: 10
Страна-производитель: Россия
Назначение: малые проекты, приклеивание облицовочных материалов, монтаж и реставрация
Марка: Profit
Материал основания: кирпич, бетон, цементная штукатурка
Время высыхания, ч: 24 часа
Расход, кг/м2: 1,5
Срок годности: 12 месяцев
Цвет: серый
Glue Profit «Super» type C — a dry mix on the basis of cement, intended for laying tiles, leveling the floor and walls. The composition refers to a group of glues with a standard drying time (24 hours). The temperature of exploitation declared by the manufacturer allows using the mixture for work on unglazed balconies, verandas, as well as in boiler rooms and waiting rooms. For mixing, only water is required at the rate of 240-260 ml per 1 kg of the mixture. Spatula for application can also be purchased at Leroy Merlin.
Suitable for tiles of any type;
A solution of wide application;
Wide range of operating temperatures.
Reference: 13629166
Weight, kg: 10
Country of Origin: Russia
Purpose: small projects, gluing of facing materials, installation and restoration
Brand: Profit
Base material: brick, concrete, cement plaster
Drying time, h: 24 hours
Consumption, kg / m2: 1,5
Shelf life: 12 months
Color: gray