Клей Profit Супер тип С, 25 кг

простое приготовление;
широкий спектр применения;
отличная адгезия.
Артикул: 12074066
Вес, кг: 25
Страна-производитель: Россия
Назначение: приклеивание облицовочных материалов
Марка: Profit
Материал основания: кирпич, бетон, цементная штукатурка
Время высыхания, ч: 24 часа
Расход, кг/м2: 1,5
Срок годности: 12 месяцев
Цвет: серый
Profit Super Type C — cement-sand dry mix for the preparation of adhesive mortar. The components are thoroughly mixed in the factory. For the preparation of the composition, it is only necessary to add water in the proper proportion. It is used for leveling and tiling of walls, floors and ceilings with ceramic tiles. Special powder additives improve adhesion, promoting the reliable adhesion of finishing materials to the surface. Suitable for indoor and outdoor work. Suitable for gypsum, brick, concrete and cement substrates. Can be used as a masonry mortar for cellular concrete and brick. The price is indicated for a packing of 25 kg.
Simple cooking;
Wide range of applications;
Excellent adhesion.
Reference: 12074066
Weight, kg: 25
Country of Origin: Russia
Purpose: gluing of facing materials
Brand: Profit
Base material: brick, concrete, cement plaster
Drying time, h: 24 hours
Consumption, kg / m2: 1,5
Shelf life: 12 months
Color: gray