Штукатурка цементная Profit М50, 25 кг

простота нанесения;
демократичная цена;
хорошая адгезия.
Артикул: 12073223
Вес, кг: 25
Страна-производитель: Россия
Назначение: базовое выравнивание стен и потолков во влажных помещениях и на фасаде
Марка: Profit
Время высыхания, ч: 24 часа при толщине слоя 10 мм
Расход, кг/м2: 15-16 кг при толщине слоя 10 мм
Срок годности: 12 месяцев
Тип основания: бетон, камень, кирпич, цементная штукатурка
Адгезия, МПа: ? 0,4
Profit M-50 plaster is a dry mortar for manual leveling of ceilings and walls. It has good adhesion with concrete, brick and stone. Suitable exclusively for indoor operation. The elasticity of the product makes its application simple and comfortable. The solution quickly prepares and dries in a short period of time. The layer formed is resistant to moisture and is highly environmentally friendly.
Ease of application;
Wear resistance;
Democratic price;
Ecological compatibility;
Good adhesion.
Reference: 12073223
Weight, kg: 25
Country of Origin: Russia
Purpose: basic leveling of walls and ceilings in wet rooms and on the facade
Brand: Profit
Drying time, h: 24 hours with a layer thickness of 10 mm
Consumption, kg / m2: 15-16 kg with a layer thickness of 10 mm
Shelf life: 12 months
Type of foundation: concrete, stone, brick, cement plaster
Adhesion, MPa:? 0.4