Панель ПВХ «Мозаика» 2700x250x8 мм, цвет чёрный

удобство в установке и эксплуатации;
устойчивость к влаге;
долгий срок эксплуатации;
приемлемая цена;
роскошный внешний вид.
Артикул: 14634303
Вес, кг: 1.43
Страна-производитель: Россия
Площадь в упаковке, м2: 0,675
Площадь листа, м2: 0,675
Толщина, мм: 8
Ширина, мм: 250
Длина, мм: 2700
Количество в упаковке, шт.: 1
PVC Panel Mosaic is a decorative panel for facing walls and other surfaces in an apartment. It is used during full or cosmetic repairs to change the appearance of the room. The panel has a pattern in the form of a mosaic, the color of the color is black. It is perfectly combined with panels of the same series, as all elements are firmly joined together. The height of one panel is 2700 mm, but it can be shortened or cut into several parts.
Convenience in installation and operation;
Resistance to moisture;
Long service life;
acceptable price;
Luxurious exterior.
Reference: 14634303
Weight, kg: 1.43
Country of Origin: Russia
Area in package, m2: 0,675
Area of the sheet, m2: 0,675
Thickness, mm: 8
Width, mm: 250
Length, mm: 2700
Quantity in packing, pieces: 1