Стяжка пола Bergauf Base, 25 кг

быстрое сцепление;
простота использования;
отсутствие усадки;
устойчивость к появлению трещин.
Артикул: 13404127
Вес, кг: 25
Страна-производитель: Россия
Назначение: базовое выравнивание пола
Марка: Bergauf
Расход, кг/м2: 1,9 кг при толщине слоя 1 мм
Срок годности: 12 месяцев
Тип основания: монолит (бетон), черновая стяжка
Открытое время: 60 минут
Адгезия, МПа: 0,5
Bergauf Base is a dry mix based on sand and cement with mineral fillers and polymer additives. From it, a mortar is made for preliminary manual leveling of the floors. With the help of the equalizer serious defects are eliminated, for example, deep chips and potholes. As a result of the use of Bergauf Base, a smooth, smooth, non-shrinkage surface is obtained, resistant to cracks. Suitable for solid concrete bases, self-leveling floors, rough screed and reinforced concrete floor slabs. You can buy to work in rooms with normal and high humidity. The price is indicated for a package weighing 25 kg.
Quick grip;
Ease of use;
No shrinkage;
Resistance to the appearance of cracks.
Reference: 13404127
Weight, kg: 25
Country of Origin: Russia
Purpose: basic floor leveling
Brand: Bergauf
Consumption, kg / m2: 1.9 kg with a layer thickness of 1 mm
Shelf life: 12 months
Type of foundation: monolith (concrete), roughing screed
Open time: 60 minutes
Adhesion, MPa: 0.5